Saturday 22nd May 2 pm - 4 pm.
New candle and cuppa workshops to make candles in clay cups by hand! Join us for a two-hour hand building workshop, a perfect opportunity for you to explore the soothing medium that is clay. Perfect for beginners and those wanting to perfect their cup making skills.
Some of you might know that building a ceramic cup is not so easy, there is a particular technique that needs to be mastered, especially making a set. Ali is your teacher.
Shape, smooth and mould a mug that is the right fit for your hands to hold. Then make a second one as a spare and fill it with one of the rich fragrances of your choice from Eliza Jade Candles.
You do the shaping, then behind the scenes, Ali will bisque fire them, hand glaze them, and high fire them again. And approximately 10 days after the workshop, they’ll be ready for you to show off to your people.
All materials provided and some local food and drink.
Ali is your teacher. Ali F is a clay artist, enthusiast, and owner of Ali F Made It. Her journey with clay started after giving up full-time work to become a full-time mother. Ali learnt quickly that she needed to find something that was purely for herself.
Book your spot here>>
I am committed to maintaining COVID safety and keeping our community safe.
- All classes have a 6-8person limit.
- The class is set up to maintain 1.5 meters of physical distance.
- Hand hygiene will be encouraged and available before, during, and after the class. The wearing of masks is optional unless mandatory rules state to wear one.
- A QR code register for all entering the shop has been set up to support any contact tracing if required.
- If you are unwell or have any concerning symptoms, please do not attend class, a full refund will be made.