Over the last year, I set my self the challenge to cook one thing each month that I had never attempted before or had tried and failed. Focusing on Greek recipes. Some that my mum has cooked and some she has long forgotten.
Many hits and few misses I have to say! This year as Greek Orthodox easter approaches, mum and I prepare to bake Easter biscuits together. This year we have an extra pair of hands, my second sister.
Usually mum drives the method and ingredients, she is a little more fragile this year but kicks into the boss mode in no time as the new apprentice, my sister is being guided. For the first time, I take a look at mum's recipe book to double-check and notice just a list of ingredients with MOST of the quantities listed.
In her entry for flour, she has written: "Όσο παρι" (oso pari) which translates to whatever amount it takes. Reading it I feel love and a sense of knowing. She has told me this countless times over the years about the various recipes, 'just feel it' or 'look at it'. It dawned on me. Mum, I have learned to trust my instincts, ask questions, I will keep trying and always cook with love.
Cooking is like a metaphor for life.
P.S Keeping this short and sweet as I'm overcome by too much emotion.
Happy guestimating!